Football Delhi has decided to launch a Capital Cup as they look to get Delhi’s glorious football days back, when the Capital city used to have Durand Cup and DCM.
The decision was reached at in the executive committee meeting held on May 28, 2020 in Delhi.
Football Delhi will take the request regarding the Capital Cup to All India Football Federation (AIFF) to look for an appropriate window to hold the tournament in Delhi.
According to the basic format of the Cup, which has been approved is that minimum four ISL or I-League clubs will be invited in the 8-team league-cum-knockout competition. In order to promote local clubs, four clubs from Delhi will participate in the tournament.
Association will also discuss the launch of Capital Cup with Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports, Sports Authority of India and State government as they look to make it a regular feature in Delhi.
“Through Capital Cup we would like to energise the local football and connect football fans with an inspiring football tournament, where best clubs and players would be seen in action. It is our attempt to add another initiative to make Capital City a vibrant football city.
“Delhi’s Dr Ambedkar Stadium is one Stadium which has seen all the greats in action and the strong legacy of this stadium and city have to be revived with the Capital Cup,” Shaji Prabhakaran, president of Football Delhi,