Gianni Infantino has managed to bring the entire football world together in Qatar, and the president of FIFA has presented the reports which look in detail at the proposal to hold the World Cup every two years to all the federations
Two studies have been conducted by independent consultants which justify the change of calendar, and lay out the positives of the changes from both an economic and sporting perspective.
Before making a final decision, the FIFA president wants to explain the project in detail to the federations, which was the purpose of Monday’s meeting.
The first of the two reports was created by the Nielsen Company, who stated that the biennial World Cup would add approximately 4.4 billion dollars in revenue over a four-year cycle.
With regards to the number of participating teams, which would expand to 48, the increase in income would go to 11.4 million dollars from tickets, television rights and income from sponsorship.
“All projections were based on three main sources of income: ticket revenue, the media and sponsorship,” explained Spencer Nolan, Nielsen’s representative at the FIFA expo.
The second of the reports which MARCA gained access to was produced by OpenEconomics, which states that macroeconomic analysis estimates that the World Cup being held every two years would produce an increase in GDP of more than 180 billion dollars over a cycle of 16 years.
It also states that this would help create nearly two million additional permanent jobs.
Arsene Wenger and Infantino then looked to summarise just what the change would mean for the sport:
- The results of the new income stream will be distributed in the new Member Associations Solidarity Fund
- The 3.5 billion dollar fund in the first four-year cycle will be dedicated to soccer development.
- On average, each Member Association could receive about 16 million dollars over a four-year cycle in a four-year cycle, in addition to the current investment from the FIFA Forward Program (which would go from the current six million dollars to nine million dollars) . Distribution model to be defined.
- Increasing the global distribution of FIFA funds would contribute significantly to narrowing the income gap between the most and least developed countries, as FIFA is the only governing body that distributes its income worldwide.
- In the unlikely event that any federation could experience a financial loss as a result of changes to the international calendar, which Neilsen considers unlikely, the solidarity fund would provide more than enough resources to offset any potential loss.