Sports Authority of India (SAI) is an autonomous organization under Ministry of Youth Affairs & Sports (MYAS) and society registered under the Societies Registration Act 1860. SAI is the nodal body for sports development and sports promotion in India. SAI believes in putting the welfare of the sportsperson first and gives paramount importance to their achievements. It is our firm belief that by excelling in their field, sportspersons have added immensely to the national pride. SAI recognizes the fact that achievements of athletes needs to be given weightage to provide him/her the best of facilities during and after their playing career.
In pursuance to above policy, Olympians/Para-Olympians are given the opportunity to work in SAI as coach. ln fact, the medal winners in Olympics and Para Olympics are directly recruited in Group ‘A’ position in SAI to show the gratitude for their service to the country. Coaches appointed are allowed to continue their sports training as long as they are C
active sportsperson and maintain desired performance at the international level. Once appointed, the coaches will take up the diploma in sports coaching conducted by NS NIS, Patiala, if they have already not taken up the course previously.
We thus invite Olympians/Para-Olympians to apply for filling up the post of Assistant Coach (level 6) and Coach (level 10) as per the details given below
Name of Post:
Asstt. Coach Olympian – 23 Vacancy
Coach Olympian – 4 Vacancy