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71st Junior National Basketball Championship, Indore, Madhya Pradesh

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71st Junior National Basketball Championship, Indore, Madhya Pradesh

President Vice-President, Indian Olympic Association Mobile : +91 98454 44455

We are happy to inform you that, the 71. Junior National Basketball Championship for Men & Women will be organized by Basketball Federation of India in association with Madhya Pradesh Basketball Association at Indore frees 4th to 10th January, 2022.

Venue: “Basketball Complex”- near Janjeerwala Chouraha, Race Course Road, Indore.

Eligibility: Players Born on or after 01.01. 2003 are eligible to participate.

AGE VERIFICATION: The Age Verification Committee/ Medical board will examine on 3rd January, 2022 at the venue from 10.00 A.M. onwards to determine the eligibility of players to participate in the said Nationals. Please advice your players to bring Original Birth certificates issued by the Municipal Corporation/ Registrar of Birth & Death obtained in the year of their birth or within 3 years of their birth & their Aadhar card (Also, parents). Please ensure that your team (s) mach INDORE positively on 3rd January, 2022 before noon and not earlier.

You are requested to confirm the participation of your Junior Men/ Women teams) to the undersigned & copy to Chairman, Technical Commission, BFI latest by 20th November, 2021 only by Regd. Post/ Speed post/ Fax/ Email (No verbal entry will be accepted) on the prescribed Performa ‘A’ and also send Performa ‘B’ with information regarding travel details, strength of the contingent plus referee’s names by 1st December, 2021.

Meetings are mandatory to attend: Managers at 5.00 PM on 3rd January, 2022.

Referees’ Clinic at 3.00 P.M on rd January, 2022.

The Referee’s Examination for inclusion in Panel ‘B’ & ‘A’ will be conducted during the Championship, kindly recommend eligible Referees on the enclosed Performs by le December, 2021 (FORMS MUST BE SIGNED BY THE STATE/ UNIT SECRETARY DULY STAMPED). Only Referees who have cleared ‘IV Class in 2018 or Before will be allowed to appear for ‘A’ panel Examination by BFI. No accompanying Referees will be entertained if not recommended by the Secretary of the State Association. BFI reserves the right to disallow any nominated Referee.

Enclosed please find the Entry form to be handed over at lndore on 3rd January, 2022 & Form for List of 24 by 5th December, 2021 along with ONLINE Registrations (Details will be sent shortly) & Final 12 players to be submitted by 20° December, 2021. TWO passport size photographs of all 15 members should be handed over on 3rd January, 2022.

(Chander Mukhi Sharma) Secretary General Encl: Entry, Players eligibility, Performa A & 8 , Referee’s form, Forms for list of 24 & 12 players.