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Sports Authority of Gujarat, Table Tennis Academy Selection Trials

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Resident Table Tennis Academy Selection Trials for U15 & U17 (Boys & Girls)

Date: 18/07/2023
Time: 9:00 AM
Venue: Nadiad Sports Complex, Marida Bhagol Road, Nadiad

Each player must bring the following documents in original as well as Xerox copies.
1. Photo
2. Aadhar card
3. Date of birth certificate
4. Medal awarded certificate

For this selection process U15 should be born after 01/01/2009 and U17 should be born after 01/01/2007.
In this selection process the player will be selected on the basis of 50% skill and 50% achievement (last 3 years).

For more information call:
Mazhar Suthar
Table Tennis Headcoy, Brothers) 9898525047
Lavina Bhargve (Table Tennis Head Coach, Sisters) 997141344