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Sesa Football Academy Senior Team Trials, Goa

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Date: 4th-6th August 2022
Time– 7:30 am
Venue: Sesa Football Academy, Ground Tivim, Sirsaim, Bardez, Goa
Position open for Stopper Back, Goal Keeper, Striker number 9 and 10, & Left Back
(To apply, fill the form and email it to

We are looking for young and ambitious players for our senior team, who have played in professional leagues or at similar level. No fees to be charged for the trials.

Please note:
– Every player needs to make their own arrangement for accommodation and travel.
– All players are requested to complete their Covid-19 vaccinations.
– Trials date may be extended by two more days depending on the need.

Please fill the form in the below format to apply and email it to-