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Rangii  Supplement Reviews – Secret Fungus Killer, Ingredients, Side Effects, Customer Complaints

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Discover the incredible solution to banish nail fungus with Rangii supplement . The Secret Fungus Killer! In just 30 seconds during your daily shower, you can unveil the simple yet powerful method that has proven to make stubborn nail fungus disappear within a matter of days. Say goodbye to the woes of fungus-ridden feet and unsightly yellow nails as this revolutionary technique becomes your go-to remedy. Experience the confidence and relief that come with healthy, fungus-free nails by embracing this quick and effective shower trick. Reclaim the beauty of your nails and the comfort of your feet with Rangii – the ultimate secret to fungus-free success!

What is Rangii Supplement ?

Is your skin and those nails of yours exhibiting a distressing dryness and brittleness? Look no further, as the rescuer might just be Vitamin A. It’s a crucial player, utilized by cells to whip up the essential oil that serves as a natural moisturizer for regions like the skin and scalp. According to Engleman, it’s not just about hydration – Vitamin A also kicks those fibroblasts (those skin tissue heroes) into gear, maintaining a firm, vibrant complexion.

Introducing Rangii, a novel liquid concoction born from meticulous clinical exploration. Its grand mission? Battling fungal intruders while nurturing the skin and nails back to their prime, all sans those pesky side effects. Within the formula lie handpicked natural components, each chosen to wage war against toenail fungus while reviving the health of skin and feet.

With Rangii on your side, envision a future free from nail infections, the agony of athlete’s foot, and other discomforts. All possible by embracing a lifestyle of comfort and wellness, fortified by the prowess of Rangii.

Delve into the heart of this remarkable elixir, revealing a fusion of proven natural elements and extracts, strategically united to rewind the havoc wreaked by fungi and bacteria upon toenails. Furthermore, it boldly thwarts the emergence of any ailments tied to fungal presence on your skin and nails.

In a marketplace teeming with skin and nail supplements, Rangii stands tall, unmatched by its counterparts. Its standout feature? Not just its potent blend, but its unwavering commitment to being entirely GMO-free and devoid of any harmful substances. This ensures that the supplement works its magic without any worrisome aftermath.

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How does Rangii Anti-Fungal Supplement Work?

Rangii Anti-Fungal

The online market is flooded with foot fungus serums, each claiming to deliver on their promises, yet their effectiveness varies widely.

So, what sets Rangii apart? Can this formula truly eliminate stubborn foot fungus infections without the need for prescriptions, medicinal ingredients, or even doctor visits?

According to the official Rangii website, the magic lies in its unique blend of vitamins, minerals, nutrients, and probiotics, meticulously chosen to “support the natural repopulation process for healthy skin and nails.”

When you apply Rangii drops daily to your toenails, you’re essentially providing your nails with the essential building blocks required to kickstart the rejuvenation of the infected area. The more consistently you use Rangii, the more these active ingredients can get to work.

Merge the information from above and below to craft distinct content about how Rangii works:

At the core of Rangii’s effectiveness lies its potent combination of ingredients, designed to optimize the bioavailability of these super nutrients, enabling your body to fully absorb their benefits.

For Rangii’s mechanism to initiate, the body undertakes the crucial task of distributing these nutrients, marking the inception of the transformative process.

A reservoir of potent antioxidants comes into play, aiding in cleansing the body’s blood vessels and thereby enhancing overall blood circulation. This revitalized blood flow ensures that the nails and skin receive a consistent influx of essential nutrients.

As this detoxification process unfolds, noticeable reductions occur in oxidative stress, free radicals, and other detrimental bacteria. Consequently, the grip of fungi that may have plagued your nails, nail beds, and skin begins to loosen.

Moreover, a trigger is pulled for regeneration and repair, effectively targeting and mending the damaged regions of your nails and hair.

Expanding beyond this localized effect, Rangii also contributes to the improvement of the skin surrounding the scalp, nails, and hair. In tandem with bolstering the immune system and metabolic rate, Rangii extends its benefits to various facets of overall health.

The culmination? An elevated immune response, the revival of healthy skin cells and nails, and a comprehensive enhancement of well-being – all harnessed through the power of Rangii.
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Inside every Rangii drops you’ll find:

8 ingredients that increase Nutrients to help support your skin and nails

1. Barbadensis

Barbadensis Leaf Extract, hailed as Aloe Vera, stands as a historical treasure for both health and beauty. Enriched with vitamins, minerals, and enzymes, it nurtures skin and nails alike. This gel-like extract revitalizes skin, soothing inflammation and promoting elasticity. For nails, it offers essential moisture, combating brittleness and fostering healthy growth.

2. Pelargonium Graveolens Oil

Geranium oil, or Graveolens oil, emerges as an aromatic champion. From tightening skin to regulating sebum, its astringent and antimicrobial prowess aids oily and dry skin alike. Its soothing nature makes it a potent remedy for irritations, acne, and fungal nail issues. Moreover, its uplifting aroma promises a sensory journey towards stress reduction.

3. Horsetail

The ancient wisdom of Horsetail, scientifically Equisetum arvense, unfolds in Rangii. With its mineral-rich composition, particularly silica, it enhances nails’ strength, prevents breakage, and promotes growth. For skin, it sparks rejuvenation by boosting collagen and offering antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and antimicrobial properties. Collagen is key to retain skin moisture and elasticity.

4. Lemon Extract

Lemon extract, a treasure trove of Vitamin C, battles free radicals, brightens skin, and addresses uneven tone. In the realm of nails, it whitens yellowing and reinforces strength, while its antibacterial potency maintains hygiene. Lemon extract is rich in anti-inflammatory and antioxidants, which neutralize free radicals and prevent oxidative stress.

5. Vitamin E Extract

Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant that is essential for skin and nail health. It helps to eliminate inflammation and speeds up wound healing, which may improve cracked, dull skin. Vitamin E also helps to heal damaged nails and may prevent fungi from spreading, potentially eliminating nail fungus.

6. Pine (Pinus Sylvestris) Bud Extract

Hyaluronic acid is a slippery material that the body creates naturally for hydration; however, its capacity diminishes with age. Without this moisturizing agent, individuals will not be able to move smoothly, or the body will not be able to retain water. It may help increase skin elasticity, minimize wrinkles and fine lines, and promote wound healing.

7. Hyaluronic Acid

Hyaluronic acid is a natural chemical that makes your skin more flexible. It helps the skin retain moisture, reducing the “stretching” of skin. This helps reduce the development and appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. It also may help wounds heal faster.

8. Potassium Sorbate

Potassium sorbate a salt that is often added to food and skin care products. It has been shown to kill microorganisms and prevent the growth of bacteria, fungi, and mold. This makes it ideal to target acne, eczema, and similar skin conditions.

User Reviews – Real Rangii Users. Real Life-Changing Results.

 “All I can say is, ‘Wow!’ I’ve been using this for a week and I can tell a HUGE difference in my skin and nails. I’ve been struggling with fungus for the past three years and have tried so many regimens. After only a week of taking this, I can notice a huge change in the skin and nails. My skin feels tighter and brighter.”
Steffi C. – Wyoming, USA

“I have been using this for about 6 months. I started losing a lot of hair due to stress. It works amazingly well. My bald spots have started filling in. I even noticed that my skin healthy and nails are growing in. I have been using this for about 6 months but started to notice the difference in 3 months.”
Monica Smith. – New York, USA

“Say goodbye to ugly feet for good with Rangii. With countless failed attempts to get rid of the pesky flaky skin, yellow nails, including removing a nail, Rangii was the only product that truly delivered results. Stop wasting time and money on ineffective treatments and give Rangii a try.”
Nancy T. – Delaware, USA

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Benefits of Rangii

  • It eliminates fungal infections at their source.
  • Removes inconvenient and incapacitating pain from your body for good.
  • It helps to reduce the smell of your toes.
  • Your toes will look better and be healthier after using the Rangii supplement.
  • Rangii rejuvenates the skin and restores its radiance as well as its health.
  • Even though the formula is completely natural, it is extremely effective.
  • It is completely risk-free to use the Rangii supplement.
  • Rangii swiftly and effectively treats fungal infections.
  • Comprised solely of natural ingredients, Rangii ensures a safe application without adverse effects.
  • The unique combination used in producing Rangii enhances its overall efficacy.
  • Users may observe noticeable improvements within a matter of days after applying Rangii.
  • Beyond addressing toenail fungus, Rangii contributes to the individual’s overall well-being.
  • Users enjoy the confidence of fungus-free feet, allowing them to comfortably wear any desired footwear.
  • Rangii users are not required to follow specific diets or undergo any other inconveniences.
  • Rangii’s ingredients offer a comprehensive and holistic treatment solution.


  • You cannot get Rangii at any other retail store or offline. You have to purchase it from the official website.
  • You have to apply it regularly, as advised, for a minimum recommended time to see results.
  • Limited availability of stocks

What’s the Recommended Dosage of Rangii?

Rangii is an external liquid supplement designed for application. Follow these steps for optimal results:

After bathing, wipe the infected area clean, and use the liquid dropper to apply 2-4 drops of the solution to the infected area. Apply Rangii promptly after bathing to prevent dust or dirt from settling on the infected area.

Ensure thorough coverage of the affected area, allowing it to become fully moist. Apply Rangii two times daily to maintain consistent effectiveness on the affected area.

To experience the full benefits, continue using Rangii for a minimum of three consecutive months.

By adhering to these usage guidelines, you can maximize the potential of Rangii and promote effective results in addressing fungal infections.

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Pricing of Rangii

  • 1 Bottle of Rangii – $69 + Shipping
  • 3 Bottles of Rangii – $49 each + 2 free eBooks + Free Shipping
  • 6 Bottles of Rangii – $39 each + 2 free eBooks + Free Shipping

Click to Check Price and Availability

Free Bonuses with Rangii Purchase

  1. The 7 Hazards of Neglecting Toe Fungus:

Gain valuable insights into the risks associated with ignoring toenail fungus. This guide provides essential information about toenail fungus to help you understand the potential dangers and why prompt attention is crucial.

  1. Japanese Toenail Fungus Guide:

Explore the knowledge and wisdom from Japan regarding toenail fungus. This guide offers a unique perspective on addressing toenail fungus and presents practical steps for effective management.

Click to Order Rangii at the Best Price

Final Verdict on Rangii:

Rangii helps to treat fungal infections by targeting the root cause and eliminating it from the body.

With Rangii, you can boost your immune system and remove all the traces of fungal infection from your body, so the condition will not return in the future.

Rangii stands as a proven solution against fungal attacks and the subsequent harm they cause to the skin, nails, and hair.

By effectively addressing infections in these sensitive areas, Rangii offers liberation from discomfort and continuous irritation.

This newfound freedom encourages heightened confidence and empowerment, ultimately contributing to enhanced productivity. With the assurance of Rangii, individuals can embrace a more comfortable, confident, and productive life.

Frequently Asked Questions About Rangii

Q. How do consumers know if Rangii is a good option?

A. Everyone who wants to strengthen and support their nail health can benefit from this formula. It uses a non-abrasive solution rich in natural ingredients, and each one is carefully selected for the scientifically proven benefits they offer. This remedy ensures that users can rebuild and make their nails better than before.

Q. Is Rangii safe for everyone?

A. This formula is specifically meant for use by adults, though none of the ingredients typically cause adverse reactions in children. Users can apply the serum to any skin type, even if they are generally sensitive to skincare treatments.

Q. How is Rangii meant to be used?

A. Users must apply this serum to their hands about an hour before a shower and an hour after, sealing in moisture and nourishing vitamins.

Q. How often should users apply Rangii to their hands?

A. This formula is meant to be used in the hour before and after their showers, so users must apply it twice daily.

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Q. How long does one bottle of Rangii last?

A. If the user follows the twice-daily schedule for application, each bottle lasts 30 days.

Q. How do customers get the best deal when they order Rangii?

A. The creators of Rangii set up an incentive to encourage users to buy more at a time by dropping the cost of each bottle as the quantity increases. While users will experience savings with just three bottles instead of one, they will get the biggest drop in individual costs if they order six bottles at a time.

Q. Is this purchase part of a subscription?

A. No. Consumers must set up each order as no automatic deliveries are offered for Rangii.

Q. What if the user doesn’t experience the benefits that Rangii advertises?

A. If the user finds that Rangii isn’t the right option for their needs, they have up to 60 days to request a refund from the customer service team.

To reach Customer Service, send an email with the contact form at:

  • Phone Support: US Toll-Free: 1-800-390-6035 or International Calls: +1 208-345-4245